Geophagus sveni - large 4-5”
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Geophagus sveni
The Geophagus sveni is a stunning species of South American cichlid known for its vibrant coloration and peaceful nature. It belongs to the Geophagus genus, which translates to “earth eater,” a reference to their habit of sifting through the substrate for food. With its attractive appearance and fascinating behavior, Geophagus sveni makes a beautiful addition to larger community aquariums.
• Common Name: Geophagus sveni
• Scientific Name: Geophagus sveni
• Family: Cichlidae
• Size: 6-8 inches (15-20 cm)
• Color: Bright reds, blues, greens, and yellows with iridescent scales and distinctive facial markings.
Native Region:
Geophagus sveni is native to the rivers and streams of South America, particularly in the basins of Brazil and neighboring regions. They are typically found in slow-moving, soft-water environments with sandy or muddy substrates.
Aquarium Setup:
• Tank Size: Minimum of 75 gallons (284 liters) for a small group.
• Water Parameters:
• Temperature: 75-84°F (24-29°C)
• pH: 6.0-7.5 (prefers slightly acidic water)
• Hardness: Soft to moderately hard water (2-10 dGH)
• Diet: Omnivorous; feed them a varied diet of high-quality pellets, flakes, frozen or live foods (such as brine shrimp, bloodworms, and daphnia), and vegetable matter.
Care Level:
• Difficulty: Moderate
• Temperament: Peaceful for a cichlid; can be kept in community tanks with other peaceful, similarly sized fish.
• Lifespan: 8-10 years with proper care.
Geophagus sveni are known for their substrate-sifting behavior, using their mouths to pick up and filter the substrate for food. They are generally peaceful but can be territorial during breeding. It’s best to keep them in groups of 5 or more to reduce aggression and establish a natural hierarchy.
Additional Tips:
• Tank Mates: Geophagus sveni do well with other peaceful South American species such as larger tetras, corydoras, or other non-aggressive cichlids. Avoid overly aggressive tank mates that may harass or stress them.
• Substrate: Sand or fine gravel is ideal, as they enjoy sifting through the substrate. Make sure the substrate is smooth to prevent injury.
• Breeding: Geophagus sveni are biparental mouthbrooders, meaning both parents take turns carrying the eggs and fry in their mouths for protection. They can be bred in captivity under the right conditions, but they require plenty of hiding spaces and privacy.